
Behind our computer screens we are all cyborgs: through fantasy we can understand our involvement in virtual worlds. Cyberspace is first and foremost a mental. André Nusselder “Interface Fantasy: A Lacanian Cyborg Ontology (Short Circuit Series) MIT Press, , pp. $ (USD) / £ paper ISBN Behind our computer screens we are all cyborgs: through fantasy we can understand our involvement in virtual worlds.

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Interface Fantasy: A Lacanian Cyborg Ontology by André Nusselder

Kntology little gem is a unique adaptation of Lacanian psychoanalysis for the research of modern computer technologies. Other books in the series. Help Center Find new research papers in: Nusselder suggests that this type of online, symbolic image of self or particular reality epitomizes what the user wants others to see or wants oneself to identify with in a cyberspace fantasy. Alec Chalmers added it Aug 13, Since the world as a database the matrix cannot appear to us in cyberspace without media that open it up interfacesthe interface, I claim, has a similar status to that of fantasy in Lacanian theory” p.

Clearly imagination and fantasy are closely related, whether we are conducting psychoanalytical analysis from the perspective of an electronic screen or via speech from the couch.

Psoudonym rated it it was amazing Dec 07, Lacan spent much time thinking about cybernetics, as is evident from this quote; “At this point we come upon a precious fact revealed to us by cybernetics—there is something in the symbolic function of human discourse that cannot be eliminated, and that is the role played in it by the imaginary” p.


Emily marked it as to-read Nov omtology, Imagination is an interfaec factor in psychoanalytical discourse, and Nusselder discusses it dantasy length, from showing Descartes’s dismissal of imagination as untenable through to demonstrating its vital importance in cybernetics. Though it is unfair to expect Nusselder to extend beyond his book’s purpose and psychoanalytic foundation to offer a more varied psychological debate within human-computer interactions, Nusselder’s willingness to describe a fair number of real-world examples of psychopathological situations leads one to query whether Nusselder could have included more, especially in the first half of the book to clarify his heavier theoretical discussion.

André Nusselder, Interface Fantasy: A Lacanian Cyborg Ontology – PhilPapers

John marked it as to-read Jan 02, If you would like to authenticate using a different subscribed institution that supports Shibboleth authentication or have your own login and password to Project MUSE, click ‘Authenticate’. Chantal marked it as to-read Mar 28, Fiona marked it as to-read Apr 17, Science Logic and Mathematics. Information Technology and Computers in Theory and Practice.

Adriel Vasquez rated it really liked it Aug 05, Lacan diagnoses science and technology as guided by such imaginary desires. Click here to sign up. Artz – – Ethics and Information Technology 2 4: Google Books no proxy mitpress. Nusselder analyzes our most intimate involvement with information technology–the almost invisible, affective aspects of technology that have the greatest impact on our lives.

And it gives an intelligible overview of basic Lacanian principles including fantasy, language, the virtual, the real, embodiment, and enjoyment that shows their enormous relevance for understanding the current state of media technology.


Although the writing flows nicely and is enjoyable to read, the book at times gets bogged down saying the same thing from only slightly different angles.

Open Preview See a Problem? Behind our computer screens we are all cyborgs: Nusselder puts such phenomena as avatars, role playing, cybersex, computer psychotherapy, and Internet addiction in the context of established psychoanalytic theory.

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Interface Fantasy: A Lacanian Cyborg Ontology

Even using a common-sense interpretation, it is not hard to see how one’s personal creation of an avatar draws on factors from the unconscious and as such presents an alter ego. Q to Read Currently Reading Read. Click for larger view View full resolution. Reality as an Lacahian Chapter 6: Added to PP index Total downloads 12of 2, Recent downloads 6 months 1of 2, How can I increase my downloads?

To ask other readers questions about Interface Fantasyplease sign up. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.

Chao rated it it was amazing May 28, Maja rated it really liked it Nov 30, Megan rated it really liked it Nov 09, Intreface of Technology, Misc in Applied Ethics.

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