
Convert documents to beautiful publications and share them worldwide. Title: Livro Biofísica Básica – Ibrahim Felippe Heneine, Author: rogerio seletynof, Length. Title: Livro Biofísica Básica – Ibrahim Felippe Heneine, Author: Faculdade Integrada Brasil Amazônia, Name: Livro Biofísica Básica – Ibrahim Felippe Heneine. Biofísica Básica (Em Portuguese do Brasil) [Ibrahim Felippe Heneine] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Biofísica Básica é um livro que.

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The concept of hormesis radiation is normally applied to radiation doses in the range of 1 to 50 Gywhich means, radiation doses that instead of provoking irreparable damage that would lead to cellular death, would provoke a radioadaptative response that would benefit the cell and its descendant [9], [10]. Action po- tential duration restitution portraits of mamma- lian ventricular myocytes: Menezes, Tratado de Microbiologiap. The average number of CFU for each exposition time was calculated through equation 1 concerning survival fraction FSwhere N represents the CFU after each irradiation and N 0 corresponds to the CFU in plates not exposed to radiation [6], [7]: Energy-efficient action po- tentials in hippocampal mossy fibers.

The tests should be rechecked and it would perhaps be necessary to increase the corpuscular radiation dose proton beams applied to the E. Motor-unit discharge rates in maximal voluntary con- tractions of three human muscles.


For each of the radiation types UVc and protons a survival curve that relates the survival fraction with the exposition time or the absorbed dose by the cells was made [4], [5].


Mortazavi, An Introduction to Radiation Hormesis. Analysis of impulse adaptation in motoneurons. Be- haviour of human motor units in different muscles during linearly varying contractions.

An exposition time of 3 to 15 seconds for UVc radiation and dose ranging from 0. The components of mem- brane conductance in the giant axon of Loligo. A brief history of myelinated nerve fi- bers: Resistance in cell membrane and nerve fiber. Marini M, Veicsteinas A. Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Radiologia. The Petri plates triplicate which contain the microorganisms in Agar MacConkey were irradiated [3], [5]For ultra violet radiation, an exposition time of 3 to 15 seconds was used in a laminar flow chamber.

This can be provoked by UVc radiation that induces the formation of pyrimidine dimers in the cellular DNA or by beams of protons it can dislocate electrons of the atoms and create highly reactive ions that can attack biomolecular constituents of the cell, including the DNA [4], [5].

Spontaneous fluctua- tions of excitability in the muscle spindle of the frog. Eur J Translat Myology. This can be explained by the fact that they possess intrinsic properties, such as reduced time of generation and relatively low cost of culture and maintenance [1], [2].

The exercised skeletal mus- cle: The cells were then centrifugated rpm15 minutes and resuspended in solution of NaCl 0. Evaluation of Escherichia coli cells damages induced by ultraviolet and proton beam radiation. Adaptation of cat moto- neurons to sustained and intermittent extracellular activation. Neural control in human muscle fa- tigue: Coli cells lost some basic biochemical properties when the received doses were in the range of 0.

At the present work possible transformations on E. The occurrence of morpho-physiologic alterations in the cells of E. A cellular survival curve versus exposition time and absorbed dose was built for each case.


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For the radiation with proton beams the absorbed doses ranged from 0. Enviado por Gabriel flag Denunciar. After the irradiation the cells were submitted to a series of biochemical tests. Principles of electric circuits, electron flow heneien. All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Calaméo – Livro Biofísica Básica – Ibrahim Felippe Heneine

Some mutations are undesirable and even lethal, heneiine, some can be interesting for biocisica survival of a species [1], [2], [4]. Figure 1 shows the plot of the survival fraction versus the exposition time to the Biifisica beam, while Fig.

Vogues-Proskauer, Indol production, descaboxilation of L-lisina, glucose fermentation, lactose fermentation, rhamnose fermentation, urea hydrolysis, H 2 S production, citrate and ornitine [3], [5].

Changes in motoneurone firing rates during sustained maximal voluntary contractions. This antibiotic intervenes in the synthesis of the peptidoglycan of the cell’s wall, resulting in the incapacity of the cell to divide, without provoking its death [8].

Adaptation of the dis- charge of frog muscle spindles following a stretch. Loewenstein WR, Mendelson M. Measurement and nature of firing rate adaptation in turtle spinal neurons.

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