
Read “Valefar Vol. 1 (A Demon Kissed Novella) Demon Kissed” by H.M. Ward with Rakuten Kobo. “Get a better understanding of who Collin is, and how he. : Demon Kissed (): H. M. Ward: Books. Free Two- Day Shipping for College Students with Amazon Student. Cursed: Demon Kissed #2 [H.M. Ward] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Ivy’s on her way to kick ass and save Collin from the horrors of the.

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It was a roller coaster ride that I definitely did not want to end. You’ve successfully reported this review. Not for me, awful narration. Find it in this j.m.ward ebook where you are the hero. DNF page 28 I don’t think I’m the target audience for this at the moment I would highly recommend this book to everyone who is thinking about reading it.

The book starts out with Ivy being on a date with her boyfriend Jake, but Jake isn’t want he seems. I often found myself getting so caught up in the story that I would forget the world around me.

One of the best books I have read in a while. H.m.ward time it does. To his surprise, Mari doesn’t realize the song is about her. All in all, I would definitely recommend this book to everyone who want to hear me babble non stop about Valefar, Martis and Collin. If you are under 18 years old, you must have your parents permission.


See if you have enough points for this item. I have a pic with the kindle skin on the new mini-kindle kindle 4. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. And, Collin Smith, the most powerful Valefar this side of Hell, wants his soul back.

I very rarely review books but, this one deserved a review. I think my other favorite character besides Ivy had to be Collin.

I loved this book! Contact us for full giveaway details. She’s spent three years getting close to Eric and doesn’t plan on letting him slip between her fingers. I can’t really think of any other word for it other than phenomenal. Enter a tale of angel-picked individuals, soul seeking demons, dreadful prophecies, tirades of secrets and a love that defies all odds. The Demon Kissed facebook page hit 44, fans last night! There will be one book h.m.wrad each title up for grabs!

I do not know by which stretch of the imagination can these series obtain an average of four stars. Did you have an extreme reaction to this book?

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I’ve never read a book that put you right in the action without a prologue or a preface, but I soon came to realize that that was exactly why I loved it. Ivy Taylor wanted so bad a kiss from the Valefar ikssed. To download from the iTunes Store, get iTunes now. If Collin exposes his weakness—his affection for Ivy—he endangers them both and risks fee wrath of Kreturus.


Collin, the “enemy” that Ivy is falling for, is powerful, thoughtful, and the hot bad-boy to his core. That was also when we got to know more about our male love interest and the Valefar in general and things started to go downhill for me.

Jan 20, Sarah rated it did not like it Shelves: Alone and occasionally with friends she must navigate through a world surrounded by people who want to kill her. The war between these two immortal forces has raged for millennia without distraction.

Demon Kissed Book Ordering Information – Novels by H.M. Ward

And it could take time, if it happens at all. The world as we know it is gone. Ivy Taylor is being tricked by a boy, who she taught was her boyfriend. You will not regret!

There are three different ways to enter. Thank you so much! But she can’t be certain if he is trying to help her, or help himself to her power.

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