
Broods of Fenrir [Coral Moore] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Shapeshifter Brand Geirson was raised to rule the Broods of Fenrir, but he . Chance Encounter (Broods of Fenrir) – Kindle edition by Coral Moore. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features. The complete series list for – Broods of Fenrir Coral Moore. Series reading order, cover art, synopsis, sequels, reviews, awards, publishing history, genres, and.

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However the man on the front cover does not look like the character described in the book, in my opinion. I love, BTW, how you have history for the story posted on the site.

Featured Author: Coral Moore with “Broods of Fenrir”

The Awfully Angry Ogre. Originally posted at http: Fnerir an interesting mixture of Norse mythology and legends, Ms. He has basically severed many ties with the packs, which in this book are broods.

The relationship he has with the other shapeshifters is quite an interesting one. The author develops the characters very well and its a very enjoyable read. She follows science news and enjoys conversations about ge Coral Moore has always been the kind of girl who makes up stories.

Yet, I would have liked things drawn out just a little more — or more accurate to say, I wanted to read more of this story. Broods of Fenrir just seems to fall flat in that department.


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Brand was so brutally tortured as a child, he keeps his wolf safety buried in fear he will submit to the rage and become just like his xoral. Yet he is smart enough to know that a true strength comes from the ability to trust those around him and ask for help.

Videos About This Book. Moody, moody, sexy alpha males, barely holding onto their rage, plus a one rightful king to save them all plot line and brightly realized characters and a spice of Norse mythology make for an enjoyable read. Entwined Realms, Volume One. The author does a splendid job of conveying the culture and traditions of Brand’s world, sparing no detail; the addition of Norse Broodw was brilliant!

The complexity of the life of Brand and the rules and customs that bind his people, is overwhelming and yet engaging.

The people around him are loyal, would do anything for him. This starts out with a bang! Overall, this was an enjoyable urban fantasy. But will it be enough to end the slavery, torture and murderous old ways of the Brood of Fenrir? January 26, at 7: When a brutal murder points back to the Brood, Brand finds himself having to embrace a destiny he fought against.

Featured Author: Coral Moore with “Broods of Fenrir” | Sarah Ballance

Moore slowly brings Alice out of her shell and reveals the hidden strength this young and admittedly weak wolf has. Dagny, who I loved, then hated and then loved all over again. Good luck in the drawing! If anyone out there has some fan art of ccoral man, please show me!! Jan 01, tooter rated it liked it Shelves: It took me barely two days to finish it and I enjoyed the story the whole time.


The beginning was a little too gory and dry, and I considered give the book a 3 star rating, but then as I continued reading it, it was a clear 4 or maybe 4.

Broods of Fenrir (Broods of Fenrir, #1) by Coral Moore (3 star ratings)

We got to know more about the softer and more passionate side of Brand, his loyalty and devotion to his friends and loved ones. To feel the ferocity of nature bent to your will is the most thrilling sensation.

When it all turns out coal be part of a plot, I was as heart broken as Brand. A lot of the scenes come off as really choppy, and not flowing well together.

He fights to save the female members of the brood from torture and enslavement.

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