
Askep Thalasemia Ela – Download as Word Doc .doc /.docx), PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read online. The PDF file you selected should load here if your Web browser has a PDF reader plug-in installed (for example, a recent version of Adobe Acrobat Reader). Thalassemias are inherited blood disorders characterized by abnormal hemoglobin production. Symptoms depend on the type and can vary from none to severe.

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Ajarkan teknik relaksasi untuk mengurangi nyeri D. Blood tests, genetic tests [3]. The severity of the disease depends on the nature of the mutation and on the presence of mutations in one or both alleles.

Views Read Edit View history. Common adkep effects include: Using this InsP4 receptor, an assay for measuring tissue content of InsP4 was developed.

Click here to sign up. Deferasirox has the benefit of being an oral medication. Risiko kerusakan integritas kulit 3.

Thalassemia can coexist with other hemoglobinopathies. Adverse effects are primary skin reactions around the injection site and hearing loss. Terlihat pucat, dipalpasi ada pembesaran limpa dan hati hepatospek nomegali.


Askep Teori Thalasemia Nic Noc

In Europe, the highest concentrations of the disease are found in Greececoastal regions in Turkey particularly the Aegean Region such as IzmirBalikesirAydinMuglaand Mediterranean Region such as AntalyaAdanaMersinin parts of Italyparticularly southern Italy and the lower Po valley. After destroying the affected person’s bone marrow with a dose of chemotherapy a myeloablative conditioning regimenthe altered HSCs are infused back into the affected person where they become engrafted in the bone marrow where they proliferate.

Hal ini terjadi terutama unutk talasemia mayor. Sehinga berat badan anak akan sangat rendah dan tidak sesuai dengan usianya.

Thalassemia – Wikipedia

Having a single genetic variant for thalassemia may protect against malaria and thus can be an advantage. Retrieved 24 Thalasemka Hata Haporseaon ni Halak Kristen. Two gene loci and so four alleles exist. Estimates suggest that approximately 1. A Frequent and Still Unresolved Problem”.

Hereditary spherocytosis Minkowski—Chauffard syndrome Hereditary elliptocytosis Southeast Asian ovalocytosis Hereditary stomatocytosis. Lakukan pengkajian nyeri teratasi: The beta form of thalassemia is particularly prevalent among Asksp peoples, and this geographical association is responsible for its original name.


Indian Journal of Human Genetics. Archived from the original on 22 September Ketidak efektifan perfusi jaringan perifer Setelah NOC dilakukan tindakan Manajemen keperawatan 2 x 24 jam, terjadi 1.


Mosby Elsevier, Rapid Review Series. The New England Journal of Medicine. Treatment depends on the type and severity. Just as with beta thalassemia, mutations that affect the ability of this gene to produce delta chains can occur.

Askep Teori Thalasemia Nic Noc – PDF Free Download

Pasang bantalan pada siku dan tumit jika dibutuhkan 8. Askrp Clinical Hematology Kulit dan mulai dari hari pertama dirawat Setelah NOC dilakukan Membran Mukosa – Perfusi jaringan tidak terganggu – Integritas kulit tidak – terganggu Tidak ada lesi pada kulit Tidak ada pigmentasi abnormal 2.

A large peak of 40 s duration was followed Pertumbuhan fisiknya lebih kecil daripada normal sesuai usia, BB di bawah normal. Archived from the original on 19 November Ads help cover our server costs. Genetic disorders inherited [2]. Gene therapy is being studied for thalassemia.

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