
Request PDF on ResearchGate | Apoplejía pituitaria. Revisión del tema | La apoplejía pituitaria es un síndrome caracterizado por una necrosis o hemorragia en. La apoplejía pituitaria es normalmente el resultado de un infarto hemorrágico que acontece a un adenoma hipofisario. La presentación clínica comprende un. Abstract. ZAMORA, Adrián; MARTINEZ, Paola and BAYONA, Hernán. Pituitary tumor apoplexy. Acta Med Colomb [online]. , vol, n.3, pp

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All manuscripts are submitted for review by experts in the field peer review and are carried out anonymously double blind. Pituitary adenomas complicating cardiac surgery: Minimal peripheral enhancement following administration of intravenous gadolinium was noted.

Neurosurgery journals Neurosurgery society Useful addresses. Incidence of intracranial aneurysm associated with pituitary adenoma.

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Si continua apoplejiia, consideramos que acepta su uso. There is no proven association between pituitary tumours and aneurysms but they may coexist due to the frequency of occurrence of both. We report the case of a patient with a previously unknown pituitary adenoma presenting as a tumor apoplexy. Clinically the patient develops sudden headache, meningismus, visual disturbances, even blindness, and occasionally decrease in level of consciousness.


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Apoplejía pituitaria. Revisión del tema | Neurocirugía (English edition)

Are you a health professional able to prescribe or dispense drugs? Anisocoria was not a consistent feature and extraocular muscle palsies varied between patients.

Previous article Next article. Lesions of the oculomotor nerve can involve the nucleus in pitultaria midbrain or nerve fascicles within the ventral midbrain, subarachnoid space, cavernous sinus, superior orbital fissure apoplejjia orbit.

If it is the first time you have accessed you can obtain your credentials by contacting Elsevier Spain in suscripciones elsevier.

Subscribe to our Newsletter. You can change the settings or obtain more information by clicking here. The sudden increase in pressure of the sella turcica’s contents results in a clinical syndrome characterized by headache which can be “thunderclap headache”visual disturbances and hypopituitarism. Central nervous system neoplasms.

There was no history of loss of consciousness, neck stiffness or features suggestive of seizure activity. Case 1 A year-old Caucasian male presented with a two-day history of severe headaches and a one-day history of leftsided ptosis preceded by diplopia. Essentials of Neuroimaging 2nd ed. The presence of mixed oculomotor palsies or bilateral ophthalmoplegia and an afferent papillary defect or chiasmal patterns of field loss help to differentiate apoplexy from aneurismal subarachnoid haemorrhage.


Apoplejía tumoral pituitaria

Oculomotor nerve palsy from posterior communicating artery aneurysm. The Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during apoplrjia two receding years. Neurinoma with intrasellar extension: Thrombotic and haemorrhagic complications in patients with Pituitary apoplexy after subtotal thyroidectomy in an acromegalic patient with a large goiter. SNIP measures contextual citation impact by wighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject field.

Subscribe to our Newsletter. Patients may present with acute ptosis.

It has been reported postoperatively, in association with pregnancy, following treatment of a macroprolactinoma and related to adhesive arachnoiditis. There was a previous history of hypertension but pituitqria diabetes mellitus.

Ptosis is a previously reported but rare presenting feature and may result from haemorrhage into the tumour. J La State Med Soc ;

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