
Os aparelhos gessados são dispositivos rígidos de imobilização externa que envolvem uma região do corpo, de forma a mantê-la numa posição adequada. Estudo mecânico comparativo entre aparelhos gessados clássicos e de material sintético. JDMBA Rossi, FAS Caffali, TP Leivas, LA Menezes Filho, AA Quintela. Avaliação do aparelho gessado cruro-podálico articulado como complementação do tratamento cirúrgico do “genu valgum.” Front Cover. Hélio Lúcio de Souza.

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The etiology of HO is still uncertain. Any treatment option that improves the quality of life of the patient mitigates the aparelho impact of this disease.

In some cases, it can present moderate fever, severe spasticity, and even ankylosis in more advanced stages of the disease. Exercises are recommended to maintain joint mobility. Patient 2 years after treatment, now able to walk. It usually occurs in the large joints. It should only be performed in cases with hip movement restrictions, in order to release the ankylosed joints and entrapped nerves.

Risk factors of heterotopic ossification in traumatic spinal cord injury. The objective of this report is yessados describe a case of heterotopic ossification in the hip after traumatic brain injury, presenting the clinical manifestations and discussing the treatment instituted with a long leg plaster cast.

It is important to note that HO treatment is often conservative, provided that differential diagnoses have been definitively ruled aparwlhos deep vein thrombosis, osteosarcoma, and septic arthritis, among others. A year-old male patient was treated in at the orthopedic outpatient clinic of a public university hospital, complaining of pain and progressive limitation of movement in the hips, as well as loss aparelbos right lower limb RLL muscle strength after suffering physical aggression approximately 8 months earlier.

Appearance 2 years after treatment. Naproxen in prevention of heterotopic ossification after total hip replacement. Thus, surgery should be performed months after the end of the active stage of the injury. It may involve one or more joints in the same patient; in this case, the involvement is usually bilateral.

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However, surgical HO resection is usually not indicated for patients classified as Brooker grade I and II, and sometimes as grade III lesions, because of the low functional impact since they do not present active movement of the lower limbs, with risk of complications aparflhos relapses. The initial clinical manifestations of HO include pain and limitation of joint movement, heat, edema, local flushing, and, in some cases, moderate fever aparelhoos severe spasticity. Furthermore, resection can cause excessive bleeding particularly in the femurand lead to increased morbidity and mortality, and if it is performed before bone maturity, there are high chances of relapse.


A clinical perspective on common forms of acquired heterotopic ossification. Improvement of extension, abduction, and adduction fessados the right hip. After 2 weeks, aparelhls patient returned to the outpatient clinic to change the cast; and had no complaints.

Treatment through hip manipulation associated with a plaster cast showed excellent results. HO presents with elevated serum alkaline phosphatase AP levels, and a transient decrease in serum calcium levels preceding the first event. Leite NM, Faloppa F. Treatment of heterotopic ossification of the hip with use of a plaster cast: Clin Orthop Relat Res.

Rev Col Bras Cir. The treatment of HO is often conservative and prevention is the most appropriate conduct; however, surgical intervention may be necessary. The role of radiotherapy for prevention of heterotopic ossification after major hip surgery. Apafelhos after its removal, the patient began walking with crutches for short distances and later, after gesssdos physical therapy sessions, without crutches.

Hip contracture before treatment, more significant on the right; the hip is in flexion, abduction, and external rotation.

Due to the high rates of recurrence with resection surgery, the authors chose to manipulate the right hip joint under anesthesia, placing a full leg plaster cast on the right lower limb on July 10,without any complications. Among its clinical manifestations, it may present pain and limitation of joint movement, heat, edema, and local flushing.

Two years after the manipulation, the following right hip ROM values were registered: After the aggression, he evolved with TBI and was bedridden due to a bilateral hip contracture Fig. The right and left hips presented, respectively, flexion: The patient was able to improve the movements of extension, abduction, and adduction of the right hip, which allowed gait without the risks of resection surgery.

Increased AP is also observed in the presence of fractures and aparflhos diseases. The clinical picture of the patient enhanced, as the functional aspect of the hip improved; despite the limitations, a previously bedridden patient was able to walk again Fig.

The cast was used for 9 months. Rehabilitation medicine plays an important role in approaching these patients by addressing the symptoms and improving the function of the affected body areas, allowing family, social, and occupational reintegration of these patients. None of these methods currently have a precise recommendation regarding dose, quantity, or well-established protocols. A wedge was made in the cast 5 days later, and the patient was discharged on July 17, In this case, the full leg plaster cast allowed the patient to walk, despite the ROM limitation.

On physical examination, he was in good general condition and was afebrile.

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That is, remaining osteoblastic cells would be responsible for recurrence, similarly to what is observed in cases of incomplete neoplasia resection. The diagnosis is made through conventional radiography.

Treatment is based on resection of the ossification, with adjuvant measures such as non-steroidal aparelyos drugs, bisphosphonate, radiotherapy, and physical therapy. Bisphosphonates can be used prophylactically to prevent recurrence of surgically excised heterotopic bones. Surgical resection often leads to increased aggression and, consequently, to new areas of tissue ossification.

Still, gessaros best treatment is prevention.

This pathology usually has a benign course, but it can cause a reduction in the range of joint movement and hamper the rehabilitation process. Thus, surgical excision must be carefully and individually considered and reserved for fully matured HO cases in patients with severe functional joint impairment.

An anteroposterior view radiograph of the hip showed areas of periarticular hip ossification, bilaterally, and the diagnosis of HO was made Fig. Computed tomography CT can also be used. Hip ROM improvement was observed in general and mainly in flexion, abduction, and internal rotation movements Figs. Immediately after the manipulation, in the operation room, the right hip’s range of motion ROM was measured:

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