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The Panama American

The amendment to the controls bill, which was approved by a vote of towould freeze the ceilings, at their July 7 level the day the bill became law. It was led by a Briton, Glubb Pasha. From club owner who believe the next commissioner should come from the National Arip. Podrn nombrar observadores en estas eleccio- nes las agrupaciones o asociaciones de maestros que asi lo solici- ten al Afi; de Educacin.

Roberto whacked a single to drive in the tying run.

Rain poured heavily on almost every frontline unit. Mustafa was killed by guards. Anna Mae Lewis, several grandchil- dren and two brothers and a sis- ter, all residing in the United States.

Not in the picture was Jerry Laatz. Flores 5Miss CrUtlna J.

Articulo 11 El Ministerio de Educacin comunicar a los maes- tros de la Repblica, por conducto de las Inspecciones Provincia- les de Educacin y por medio de la prensa. Monday, July 30, there’ll be a contest among the districts of the Atlantic Side beginning at 2: The marijuana had grown 14 feet tall Afup the rich soil. Convair FA avgeek aviation military militaryaviation afmuseum nmusaf usairforce convair f dayton. July 20 i UP Inte- rior Minister Domingo Sarasty today accused “ktig-clty intellec- tuals” of launching a campaign of “mass murder, arson, theft and rape” in an effort to undermine Colombia’s conservative govern- ment.


The present problem is finan- ces.

Ted Williams picked up the ball and iiied a mo- ment, which was too much. We saw 14jf lions in 12 hours, for In- stance, one of afi; we viewed from the Jeep at the range of six feet. Era un decidido anti-slonista en la lucha entre Israel y los Es- tados rabes y despus de la particin de Palestina la legin de Abdullah fu el nico cuerpo de tropas rabes que combati efectivamente.

Flores 10th Race “D” Natives 4 Fgs. The Inter American Women’s Club has equipped the building and provides funds for its daily operations, including the pay- ment of salaries to Miss Oberto and a cook and cleaning woman, Mrs. Resolutions to be adopted by the Local at its annual meeting which will be held at the La Bo- ca Clubhouse on Saturday. Las operaciones submarinas de la lamilla de Chiang; Kai Shok pueden ser una de las res- I puestas.


During the opening years of the Cold War, this duo defended the skies over North America as part of. Tell me what your favorite cent fighter is! TV manu- facturer Jack Milliken. Assorted in brass polish chrome finish and enamel.

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Operations like this may be one reason why the disillusioned Chinese people threw out the Soong-Kung dynasty and accepted Communism as a lesser evil. Iglesias 7El Indio M. Quizs polticamente la cuestin podra oca- sionar cierta inquietud tomando en consideracin ‘ el tipo de gobierno que rige actualmente los des- tinos del pueblo espaol.

Mena x 6Choice Brand K.


La Prensa has not appeared since Jan. Los cheques son remitidos al Banco, y en esta Institucin se efectan prcti- camente las operaciones de re- integro. Thomas Mc- Ginn of Oatim. Why not read our Want Ada.

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