
This page contains links to all books in Jet Mykles’s Dark Elves series, print and But I had gotten Taken on a whim this week and finished it in one setting. Dark Elves: Taken [Jet Mykles] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. TAKEN Everyone’s heard tales of the Dark Forest, tales of entire bands. Taken [Dark Elves 1] – Kindle edition by Jet Mykles. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks.

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Yummy just flat out yummy! God lord I’m going to hell Since the Raedjour can only breed with dafk one “truemate”, who is always a captured human woman since they only produce males, they often ease their new captures into their world with a lust spell to make it less traumatic.

How is that possible? If he fails, the woman pass to another Dark Elf. Diana has spent months being passed around for the men to discover if she is their truemate and bear their children. The Elves only produce males.

I took Daisiemae’s Shellie’s recommendation and ordered this book after reading “Howl” and “Leashed”. So yes I liked the books and no I didn’t care for them. Each pregnacy takes 2 cycles ‘years’? I hope the next book has women like Gala, I would have enjoyed it more.


Salin is a raedjour created by a goddess Rhea as her sexual consorts. She soon becomes darker skinned and her hair changes much lighter.

I really enjoyed this book and was intrigued by the world and the beings in it. Salin’s second-in-command, Krael, wins her and finds her delightfully submissive.

Trivia About Taken Dark Elves Dark Elves Series and Leashed Series. Elves created for sex, goddess leaves them behind on earth with no way to survive. Jun 23, Blackbook rated it it was amazing Shelves: I did like how Salin turned the tables on Diana.

What I didn’t like is Diana had a point she was raped. Gala’s more open to this than Diana and finds her truemate pretty quickly. My head was thinking “Sex elves? LOL I just ordered the rest of the series on amazon.

Dark Elves Series

It was pretty good, but I preferred the first story — partly because of the newness of the world which is met in the first story. Loved every second of this book. Elves created for sex, goddess leaves them behind on earth with no way to survive. He will have her.

A problem develops due to the king who is insane. The males do not abuse the females, but cherish them. Who do these black-skinned, white-haired, sex-oozing devils think they are making her into a elved and sex-slave?


Dark Elves: Taken (Dark Elves #1 & #2) by Jet Mykles

Their ears have an elf-like quality and most have some kind of magical ability. Well, because the first two books, while being addicting and steamy The heroine was spunky and the hero macho and sexy – and both likeable. As drk human female stays there, her body starts changing. May 29, Bookfanatic rated it it was ok Shelves: Thanks for the great reviews.

Diana and Gala, a pair of mercenaries in an alternate, medieval world, venture into a cursed mountain range tracking a man who stole from them. The elves were creaed by their goddess as a magical race of bodyguards and sexual consorts. The characters are not really detailed but in a book like this, that is not the intention. Yes, they are sexuall beings that are horny all the time.

It’s a tad embarrassing to admit this book is in my library. I wasn’t sure if I would like this book or not. His domination of her is depicted through various erotic acts that also include a whip!

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