
Velká sbírka diagramů – mnohotažek. Brilliant Ways to Checkmate. diagramů s řešením. Publikuje ŠK Řemdih Strmilov. Satis ce. Vavříny vždy unikly . In Reinfeld’s Brilliant Checkmates problem 95, in the queen sac section, can’t White just play. 1. Ng3+ Kh4 (forced). 2. Nf3+ Kg4 (forced). 3. h3#. Fred Reinfeld (—) is said to be the most successful and prolific chess writer of all time, being associated with over one-hundred titles. His books on.

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1001 Brilliant Checkmates #95

December 7, at 7: I know nothing about programming and am sure it shows! Thank you for the entertainment…. January 2, at 3: June 17, at 1: August 9, at 8: December 11, at 4: You may use these HTML tags and attributes: Reinfeld wrote fine biographical works on many of the major players of his day alongside dozens of elementary texts and checkmatws.


Qh8 would be an illegal move. Probably not or something went wrong with the loading of the diagram. Yes is it possible to get a tutorial on how to install the tactics trainer? Now future generations of players will continue to benefit from this brilliant writer. October 2, at 4: June 15, at 6: These checkmahes books are companion volumes and together cover a full range of tactical chess issues.

Brilliant Ways to Checkmate (21st Century Edition)

Ignore my other message. I think there should be a manual move-on to the next random puzzle.

The book is organized around meeting Threats, in three sections: Btw, you are right! But looking at rbilliant diagram indeed a faster mate exists: To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: September 9, at 8: These books put us under the tutelage of two splendid chess instructors.

He was best known, however, for his many books on chess. Review Chess Improvement blog. Capture, Move, Defend, Block, and Counterattack p.


February 7, at 9: Qh8 instead of 3. Rook takes e7 forced. So White is not in check, because the pawns have to move away from this king.

Brilliant Checkmates #95 – Chess Forums –

Using opera version December 20, at 4: Can someone check out Puzzle Can someone else look at it. October 12, at June 16, at And to blob chess was invented in India.

And you can get more info on wikipedia. This review has been printed in the August issue of the British Chess Magazine. March 12, at Well how about for one of many: The rook can be captured by the bishop from g6.

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